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Frequently Asked Questions

Got a question? Find out FAQs here. If you question hasn’t been answered here, drop us a line at or use our contact form.

Who has to have a license in order to use Schedule Builder? 

Everyone using the spreadsheet must have a license.  So, if you plan to share it with colleagues or clients,  they do need to have a license.   Packages with multiple licenses are available.  For those without a license, you do have the option to share the schedule with others by printing it to a PDF and sharing that version.


Can the schedule builder spreadsheet be saved as a live document like a Google Doc?

Not at this time, however,  you can share the document with others that have a license so they have access to the same document as you do.  So any edits they make will be made to the original document. 


Why won't the spreadsheet allow me to edit it?

To use the spreadsheet, you must be able to enable Macros, it cannot work without them.  To do so, open Excel on your computer and click on File, Options, Trust Center.  Then click on Trust Center Settings and on the left, choose Macro Settings.  Then click on “Enable VBA Macros” as well as “Enable Excel 4.0 Macros when VBA Macros are enabled".  Also make sure that “Trust access to the VBA project object model” is checked. 


Can info be pasted from another document? 

Yes! But the only paste option that can be used is values only.  The spreadsheet is automatically set to paste values only, so you will loose any formatting or formulas from your original document.  Also, you cannot paste into protected cells as it would cause errors in the functionality, so if you get an error when pasting, check that you are not trying to paste into a protected cell. 

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